Eightfold reasons to choose Skillate
Turn hiring into your business edge.
Transform your Recruitment Process with NextGen AI Platform
Trusted By
Enable your existing tech with Skillate solutions
Candidate Experience
Skillate makes your hiring process more efficient and transparent to improve your organization’s employer branding.
Diversity and Inclusion
Skillate’s automated solutions minimize human bias in the recruitment process to ensure that candidates are hired based on merit.
Recruitment Automation
Our solutions minimize human intervention to improve recruitment efficiency.
Here’s What Our Customers Have to Say
A great tool that enhances candidate experience and also fastens-up the recruitment process by reduced TAT & a better hit ratio. Skillate also facilitates the recruiter in shortlisting the resumes by providing a fit-rating by comparing the JD and the application using AI.
Skillate allows us to get the top 10% resumes out of the 1000 resumes we receive per position. Their Parsing capabilities and customized selection criteria based on Skills, Experience, and Education have made them an indispensable asset of our recruiting process.