Accelerate your hiring with Skillate

Hire top talent fast with AI-powered recruiting automation.

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How Skillate helps you level up your hiring

Never miss a good candidate

Ensure the perfect candidate-job fit with an AI-powered resume matching engine.

Hire 65% faster with automated screening and scheduling

Automate tedious recruiting tasks with smart chatbot conversations.

Create marketing-grade campaign workflows

Engage candidates with personalized emails and messages based on jobs, events, or profile data.

Process the most complex resumes with 95% accuracy

Leverage our ML-based resume parser to process even the most complex resumes in seconds.

The impact


lower cost-


more qualified



"A great tool that enhances candidate experience and also fastens-up the recruitment process by reduced TAT & a better hit ratio."

Dr. C Jayakumar
Executive Vice President & Head - Corporate Human Resources (CHRO)